Heirs are a band fro Australia that has had their previous recording reviewed in this zine that plays a very avant garde style of post doom metal and this is a review of their 2011 album "Hunter" which was released by Denovali Records.
Drum programming is all slow beats, while the synths bring a very dark psychedelic avant garde edge to the music, as for the bass playing it has a very strong, powerful and heavy tone with riffs that dominate throughout the recording.
Rhythm guitars which are used very rarely are mostly slow distorted riffs and there are no guitar solos or leads present on this recording, in addition vocals are absent from this recording with all of the music being instrumental.
Production on this recording sounds very strong, powerful and heavy and you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion this is another good recording from Heirs and if you where a fan of their previous recording, you will not be disappointed. RECOMMENDED TRACK "Neverland". RECOMMENDED BUY.