Grime are a band from Italy that has been featured before in this zine and plays a very heavy form of sludge metal and this is a review of t heir 2015 album "Circle of Molesters" which was released by Argento Records.
Dark and experimental sound effects start off the album and after a few seconds the music starts getting more heavy and melodic adding in doom metal style riffing along with some drum beats a few seconds later which also leads to the music going into more of a sludge direction and all of the musical instruments have a very powerful sound to them.
Vocals are mostly high pitched screams and some of the fast parts use semi blast beats and also add a touch of grindcore to the music while they are not rarely used with the music being mostly sludge/doom metal and some songs also bring in a small amount of crust and hardcore style shouting and when solos and leads are used briefly they are very dark and melodic sounding and a couple of the tracks are very long and epic in length and one song also brings in a brief use of growling vocals.
Grime creates another album that remains true to the sludge and doom metal style of previous recordings and keeps everything very heavy from beginning to ending of the recording, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover hate, drugs, suicide and despair themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Grime and if you are a fan of sludge metal, you should enjoy this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Get Immortal" "Sulphorous Veins" and "Orgiastic Rite". 8 out of 10.