1. Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording of the new album?
We basically have hput ourselves into promoting the album.
Our previous works were self-produced; with Terminus, we decided to push it further finding help from a label or making a video for the single track.
We got in touch with Cris from Wooaaargh and now we are ready to release Terminus in August.
2. You have a new album coming out in August, how would you describe the musical sound that is presented on the recording and also how does it differ from the stuff you have released in the past?
The band has a predominantly death metal sound mixed with progressive and post-metal.We are peculiar in that we have a female vocalist who does both screams/growls and clean vocals.In Terminus we put more attention on building complex vocals structures.
Unlike our past projects, as we said before, we made a decision to have a professional recording that could bring out the layering and the articulated writing. Basically, we sound way more aggressive and modern.
We have always enjoyed the electronic feelings, and especially in the arrangements in Terminus we gave it a bigger space.
3. What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the newer music?
We wanted to explore different ways in which people aget knowledge. We like to write about society, human being and psychology, and all these things are gathered into the concept of Terminus: Knowledge is a journey from the single human being to a society built on relationships. We get many stimuli from society, as well as it influences our thoughts: take these as steps throughout an infinite ideal spiral, where opposites find their compromise in a continuous synthesis. The latter represents “the new start” of our being as it was at the beginning: it is pretty much more than a horizontal growth. It’s a sort of spread-away, finding ourselves in deeper and deeper layers of existence.
4. What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'While Sun Ends'?
It all started from the image of the sunset, a moment of the day that is particularly romantic and inspirational. It seemed good to us, as it is also linked to some thoughts we had on the relation between the past, the present and the future. We think that the moment in which the sun is about going away is full of emotions and questions on what was, is and will be.
The words “While Sun Ends” describe that exact moment, the end of the sunlight on earth, and the quest for something beyond that.
5. What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?
We try to convey our music in the most simple and direct way, focusing most on the sound than on the “image”. We think playing shows is the best way to Know new people that share passions. There isn’t a particular gig we would like to remember: during the past we had the pleasure to play with bands that are now friends, and this is a great pleasure for us.
6. Do you have any touring or show plans once the new album is released?
On September we are planning some gigs to promote the album, then we’d like to tour across Europe during winter. Anyway, we actually don't have shows booked but we are planning to play with bands we really like.new friend! We shall make our best to organize a European Tour to promote Terminus and enjoy the metal feeling across the continent. Finally, we chose the venue for our release party: it's a nice place named “Joe Koala”, where an outdoor stage is set during summer. Hope we will crash the night !
7. On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to your music by fans of extreme metal?
The feedback we had from abroad was pretty good, but we have to be sincere… Everyone wanted to meet our singer in real life.
8. Are any of the band members also involved with any other bands or musical projects these days?
Our drummer Enrico is involved in two other Italian “indie rock” bands, called “Le Capre a Sonagli” and “Karenina”; he has released several albums and made many lives all around Italy. Our two guitarists Diego and Massimo were also involved in another metal band named “Dejanira” until a few months ago, but now the group has decided to take a break.
9. Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?
We think that Terminus marks a new beginning for us as a band, not only due to the new lineup, but also due to sound and songs . We are quite glad of how the band sounds, but we really don’t know how our style and sounds will evolve in the future. Perhaps we will experience further with the atmospheric and post rock side, or maybe we will write down a pure death metal album...who knows?! Our writing process usually required a great deal of time because we have never been pushed from major labels or stuff like that: the main purpose behind our music is to fulfill passion in what we do, create a stream for us to be represented. That’s why While Sun End’s music will grow along with the band members, according with the future musical influences of each one.
10. What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
Without any doubt, the bands that mostly influenced us (and that we're currently listening to) are Katatonia, Novembre and Opeth among others. We were also massively influenced by the progressive rock movement of the 70, sometimes by post-rock sounds. Our personal influences are various and very different from one another, and this is clearly passed down to our sound.
11. What are some of your non musical interests?
Oh, they’re various:Enrico is a drum teacher (we know drum is music, but maybe he doesn’t think the same and this is why he wanted to answer this way!!!), Massimo is a charming pharmacist who loves photography and fishing. Diego is a sound engineer and he’s working hard to create his own studio; Carlo is a noob nerd studying Neuroscience to become a psychologist, while Stefania is fond of nature, and enjoys having walks, collecting herbs and getting some inspiration for her drawings!
12. Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?
It’s our great pleasure to thank Cris from Wooaaargh and Curtis from Dewar PR for helping us in this new adventure! Special thanks also go to Riccardo “Paso” Pasini , who gave us a huge help mixing the album, creating some very nice memories together during our stay in Ravenna! Huge thanks to Serena Caracchi for the past years together and to Davide Capoferri for his guitar solo in our track “Seesaw”. Finally, thank you so much for this interview, it was ages -when we were pupils- since we last had so many question to answer! We hope you will enjoy our album, wishing to play lots of gigs to promote it in the next year!